Twitter Tweetstorm Feature Confirms For Android And iOS

Twitter Tweetstorm feature starts showing up in the Android app

A Twitter Tweetstorm feature’s occurrence was first seen in the code in September, which has been a sign of things to come of the Twitter app. At the time, Twitter declined to comment on its plans for its feature or say if it would start publicly.

Today, the Android Police reported the tweetstorm interface popped up for some users of this Android alpha program but stated it wasn’t certain about the details surrounding the tests.

Twitter advised TechCrunch that the tweetstorm feature has been in testing in the alpha and beta programs on Android and iOS when asked. The variant has been in testing for weeks, the company said.

While the feature is not yet available or for testing, the growth of these tests hints that this is something Twitter wants to bring to the general public.

That wouldn’t be surprising. After all, the launch of a tweetstorm feature would not be the very first time Twitter has taken a frequent behavior seen among its user base and turned it. Twitter established also the RT, the hashtag, and also the @reply according to patterns of user behavior which were born on its platform, then embraced by a number of consumers.

The tweetstorm would fall into this class, also. Years ago, a number of early adopters such as Marc Andreessen, for instance, who wanted to write the equivalent of an article via tweets used the feature. But the tweetstorm has become just another way people use Twitter.

Additionally, it is used for a number of things beyond content spread out over tweets. As an example, people use the tweetstorm many suspenseful or funny ones link facts rant about politics or other issues, and much more.

Though its character count limit has enlarged that hasn’t eliminated the need for tweetstorms. In addition to supporting more than 280 personalities by linking tweets together, each tweet stands independently and may be shared retweeted, replied to, etc. on an individual basis.

For now, the new feature offers a “+” plus button on the right side of Twitter’s write screen, in which you also find the buttons for including photos, GIFs, surveys, and location. When tapped, the plus button allows users to enter on their lines in the different tweets of the tweetstorm. Throughout the writing process, you can return and edit anything that is the person before it is posted.

Twitter posts them in the correct order and automatically queues the tweets appropriately. After these tests, the true look of this tweetstorm feature may change of course. Whether the launch of the feature will be welcome is unknown. A tweetstorm button could have been useful after 140 characters were only supported by Twitter. But with the expansion to 280, there’s some concern that people will use the option to post ideas that are more cluttering the timeline with pontifications that are prolonged.

Twitter did not share a timeline for the public launching of the tweetstorm feature, but those who get Twitter attributes that are new first should probably keep their eyes open.

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This post was published on November 18, 2017 12:16 pm

vinod kumar: