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10 Future Predictions By ‘The Simpsons’ That Bluntly Came True


We all know of ‘The Simpsons’. The sitcom highlighted the plight of a typical working-class American family in a humorous oeuvre and was hailed as one of the best in the animated genres. They touched upon a broad spectrum of topics through idiosyncrasies of the recurrent characters. Interestingly, there were instances where they eerily “predicted” the future too!

Here are 10 such instances where one can say “The Simpsons already knew it”!

1. Donald Trump Becomes The President (in 2000)

In the episode “Bart to the Future”, Donald Trump contested the elections and later went on to become the President of the United States.

Trump Simpsons-thinking tech

2. The Smartwatch (in 1995)

They showed Lisa’s fiancé verbally communicating with his watch in the episode ‘Lisa’s Wedding’.


3. The Simpsons predicted the arrival of “Farmville” (in 1998)

Springfield kids were stoked about a game called Yard Work Simulator.

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4. The design of the First Gen iPod (in 1996)

The Simpsons showed a high-tech intercom in the episode “Bart after dark” that looked eerily similar to that of the First Gen of iPod.


5. The deadly Ebola Virus outbreak (in 1997)

Episode “Lisa’s Sacs” shows Marge holding up a book called “Curious George and the Ebola Virus”


6. The Higgs Boson Particle (in 1998)

The episode “The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace” shows Homer solving a complex equation. It was later revealed by the author Simon Singh that equation (by Homer) predicts the mass of the Higgs Boson.


7. The FaceTime (in 1995)

The episode “Lisa’s Wedding” showed Lisa communicating with her mother via a phone with a video calling feature.


8. The faulty voting machine incidence (in 2008)

In the episode “Treehouse of Horror XIX”, Homer reported of a faulty voting machine that favoured candidate John McCain, when he voted for Obama.
A similar incident happened in 2012, when a faulty voting machine turned votes in favour of Mitt Romney, when people voted for Obama!


9. The rise of the Syrian opposition (in 2001)

In “New Kids on the Blecch”, a brief segment showed a flag (marked in red).


The same flag is now used by the Syrian opposition!


10. The robot controlled libraries (in 1995)

Episode “Lisa’s Wedding” showed a robot as the librarian. Making the fiction true, in 2011, news of a futuristic library which employed robots, made the waves.


Are these instances really just coincidences? We don’t know, you decide for yourself!

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